Is your App up to date?Is your App up to date?

March 28, 2023
2 mins read

To guarantee the latest and the greatest working version of Veryfi we recommend you always keep your Veryfi update to date. We update our apps on iTunes and Google Play frequently. At most every 2 weeks at best every few days. Yap we have a ton of awesome stuff we want to give you!

You can keep your app up-to-date by:
(a) Turning on auto updates in your iTunes (for iPhone/iPad/Watch) or Google Play (for Android),
(b) Subscribing to notifications on our Twitter account where we broadcast app upgrades as they happen.
(c) Signup to receive email updates when we update the app.

What version of Veryfi am I running?

When you contact support you may be asked what version of Veryfi you are running. This is important to specify if you contact us directly via email or web portal since we do not capture the version of your mobile app. Otherwise if you use the mobile apps to send us a request we already know.

To find your Veryfi app version

NOTE: The version shown in this screenshot is many versions behind. This is NOT the latest version. Visit to see latest app versions.

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