Supplier Code of Conduct

March 30, 2023
5 mins read
Supplier Code of Conduct


    Veryfi requires our business partners, suppliers, contractors and agents (collectively, “suppliers”) to conduct themselves ethically, professionally and with the utmost integrity and transparency in all of their business dealings, including complying with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. The Code applies globally and to anyone who does business with Veryfi, Inc. Suppliers should ensure their subcontractors acknowledge and implement equivalent standards of conduct. Veryfi may take measures to ensure compliance and address suspected instances of non-compliance with this Code.

    Business Integrity

    Suppliers and their subsidiaries, affiliates, and subcontractors agree not to engage in corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery to obtain an unfair or improper advantage including making expediting or facilitation payments. They shall abide by all applicable anti- corruption laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and applicable international anti-corruption conventions. Suppliers are responsible for implementing procedures to ensure compliance with applicable anti-corruption laws including overseeing the conduct of their subcontractors.

    Personal Relationships. Suppliers will disclose all known family or close personal relationships with Veryfi employees or directors who are involved in the Supplier’s engagement with Veryfi.

    Business Courtesies. Supplier may not give gifts, entertainment, or other hospitality that might influence, or appear to influence, the decision making of Veryfi employees or agents. If given at all, gifts and hospitality to Veryfi employees should be moderately priced and infrequent.

    Gifts. Gifts must comply with U.S. and local law. Cash or cash equivalents such as gift cards or shopping vouchers in any amount are prohibited. An example of an acceptable gift is a modest item bearing the logo of the Supplier.

    Entertainment and Meals. Reasonable and customary business meals or entertainment in furtherance of the business relationship are permissible.

    Business Opportunities. Suppliers will not offer any other goods, services, business opportunities, commissions or advantageous financial arrangements that would personally benefit a Veryfi employee.

    Books and Records. Suppliers agree to accurately record information regarding their business activities, labor, health and safety, and environmental practices.

    Labor/Human Rights

    Suppliers must respect and protect fundamental human rights across their value chain in accordance with international standards set forth by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Fundamental Conventions On-discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity.

    Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. Suppliers commit to providing equal employment opportunities for all applicants and employees and maintaining a workplace free from discrimination, harassment and retaliation. This includes unlawful discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, gender, age, mental or physical disability, medical condition, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, genetic information, political affiliation, union membership or any other characteristic protected under applicable laws.

    No employee shall be subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.

    These principles apply to all areas of employment, including recruiting and hiring, promotions and transfers, compensation and benefits.

    Freely Chosen Environment

    Suppliers agree that all work should be voluntary and workers should be free to leave upon reasonable notice. Forced, bonded or indentured labor or involuntary prison labor is prohibited.

    Suppliers will pay applicable and fair legal wages under humane conditions including maintaining reasonable employee work hours in compliance with applicable law and international standards. Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week shall meet, at a minimum, local and national legal standards. Suppliers agree to pay accurate wages in a timely manner and use of temporary and outsourced labor should be within the limits of the local law.

    Additionally, Suppliers shall ensure that any third-party recruitment agencies are in compliance with the provisions of the law.

    Child Labor

    Suppliers agree not to use child labor by any means. The term “child” refers to any person employed under the age of 15, under the age for completing compulsory education or under the minimum age for employment in their country, whichever is greatest.

    Work Authorization

    Suppliers will not knowingly employ individuals who are not authorized to work as determined by governing law.

    Freedom of Association

    Suppliers agree to respect their employees’ right to join or form trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively. Suppliers agree not to interfere with, obstruct or prevent legitimate and lawful activities. Union representatives will not be discriminated against and are allowed to carry out their roles in the workplace.

    Health and Safety

    Suppliers agree to provide a safe and hygienic workplace. They agree to provide their employees with a workplace that does not have serious hazards and follow all country-specific safety and health standards.


    Suppliers agree to comply with all applicable health, safety and environmental laws and regulations. Adverse effects on the community, environment and natural resources are to be minimized and the supplier shall safeguard the health and safety of the public.


    Veryfi seeks to work with suppliers that partner with local governments and communities to improve the educational, cultural, economic and social well-being of the communities in which they live and serve.

    External Communication

    Suppliers will not knowingly publish false or otherwise inaccurate information via press release, product or service advertisements, or by any other means relating to their relationship with Veryfi or regarding their products and services.

    International Trade

    Suppliers agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning importing and exporting its products and services including compliance with trade sanctions, embargoes, and other restrictions. Suppliers must also comply with regulations preventing U.S. companies from supporting or cooperating with an unsanctioned boycott of another country. Suppliers must comply with all applicable anti-money laundering laws, as well as laws governing lobbying, gifts and payments to public officials, political campaign contribution laws, and other related regulations.

    Suppliers must comply with the intellectual property ownership rights of Veryfi and others including copyrights, patents, trademarks and trade secrets, and manage the transfer of technology and know-how in a manner that protects intellectual property rights.

    Protecting the Information of Veryfi Customers and Third Parties

    Supplier commits to protecting the reasonable privacy expectations of personal information of everyone they do business with, including customers, consumers and employees. Supplier will comply with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements when personal information is collected, stored, processed, transmitted and shared.

    Management Accountability and Responsibility

    Suppliers agree to ensure that the principles of this Code are communicated to their employees and throughout their respective supply chains as appropriate. Suppliers should also take proactive and appropriate steps to ensure compliance with the principles of this Code are adopted and applied by their suppliers, agents and contractors to the extent applicable.

    Contact Information and Escalation Procedures

    Suppliers agree to contact their Veryfi relationship or engagement manager with any questions or to discuss business conduct and potential ethics issues.

    Alternatively, Veryfi has an anonymous Veryfi Integrity Line to report suspected discriminatory, unethical or illegal supplier activities.

    When necessary, the Veryfi Integrity Line is available to protect third-party personnel, temporary workers, independent contractors and personnel of subcontractors. Retaliation against anyone reporting suspected violations by third party associates is prohibited and may result in termination of any applicable Veryfi supplier relationship.