Product News – Summer 2022Product News  Summer 2022

May 18, 2023
2 mins read

As we wrap up summer and head into fall, we wanted to update you on enhancements and new features added to the Veryfi OCR API Platform, we have lots to tell you about!

New Features

OCR API version 8.0

Over the past few months, API v8 transitioned from beta to production status, and it’s now the recommended API version for new users of the Veryfi platform. We’ll continue to support v7 as long as you need, however, we are no longer adding new features to v7. We encourage you to scope out your transition to API v8 as soon as you can, to take advantage of the following enhancements:

  • More logical; improved JSON structure
  • More stable; e.g., v7 has a limitation for the number of documents users can request with the GET call
  • More flexible; e.g., in v8 there are more fields that users can update
  • More fields; v8 includes many fields beyond what v7 supports. You can see the full list of JSON fields in this Interactive API schema.

For additional details on the differences between API versions 7 and 8, please consult the interactive API documentation.

New Document Types

Veryfi now supports W-2 and W-9 document types, adding to the following list: Receipts, Invoices, Hotel Folios, Purchase Orders (POs)Credit Cards, and Business Cards.

New Fields

Veryfi is committed to providing the fastest, most accurate, and most secure Intelligent Document Processing platform in the industry. We’ve continued to add support for more data fields, languages, and currencies to our platform, and now can capture, extract, and transform data for over 110 fields.

Analytics Dashboard

The Veryfi Portal now includes an analytics dashboard with key metrics related to your document processing volumes, speed, types, sources, and time saved.

Interactive API Docs

You can interact with the Veryfi API from within the documentation, to try the API while remaining in the related help context. Here’s a tutorial on how to use the Interactive API.

New SDKs

We’ve added/updated a few OCR API SDKs recently that you may want to review:

Additionally, all SDK updates are visible in the Notifications area in the Veryfi Portal Home Page. You can also subscribe to SDK updates from the Veryfi GitHub.

Beta Features

PDF Splitting

We’re working on a feature to automatically detect multiple documents in a single PDF file, and return them via the API as separate documents. Learn more here, give it a try, and let us know what you think!

Tips & Tricks

How to train the Veryfi AI model on your documents

Did you know it’s possible to train our AI model on your documents? Check out our FAQ article on how to do it.