Realice una prueba del API de OCR de Veryfi cargando cualquier Recibo, Factura, PO u otro tipo de documento. Puede cargar un documento girado de forma incorrecta o escrito a mano, Veryfi se encarga del resto.

SDKs: Obtenga Código
veryfi-csharp C#
This is the official C# client library for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API. || read:
veryfi-dart Dart
Dart module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API
veryfi-docs HTML
All documentation related to Veryfi API
veryfi-go Go
Go module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API.
veryfi-java Java
Java module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API.
veryfi-kotlin Kotlin
Kotlin Library for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API
Mobile SDKs
veryfi-android Kotlin
Android kotlin module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API
veryfi-lens-bank-statements-android-demo Kotlin
Example about how to user Veryfi Lens for Bank Statements
veryfi-lens-bank-statements-ios-demo Swift
Example about how to use Veryfi Lens
veryfi-lens-barcodes-android-demo Kotlin
Example about how to user Veryfi Lens for Barcodes
veryfi-lens-barcodes-ios-demo Swift
Example about how to user Veryfi Lens for Barcodes
veryfi-lens-business-cards-android-demo Kotlin
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-business-cards-ios-demo Swift
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-checks-android-demo Kotlin
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-checks-ios-demo Swift
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-cordova-demo Vue
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-credit-cards-android-demo Kotlin
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-credit-cards-ios-demo Swift
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-flutter-demo Dart
Example Demo App about how to use our Flutter wrapper
veryfi-lens-headless-credit-cards-android-demo Kotlin
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-headless-credit-cards-ios-demo Swift
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-headless-receipts-android-demo Kotlin
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-headless-receipts-ios-demo Swift
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-ionic-capacitor-demo TypeScript
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-long-receipts-android-demo Kotlin
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-long-receipts-ios-demo Swift
Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs
veryfi-lens-net-demo C#
Veryfi Lens Demo for .NET
veryfi-lens-ocr-android-demo Kotlin
Veryfi Lens OCR to read codes, numbers and short text
veryfi-docs-v2 HTML
Dynamic documentation
veryfi-lens-demo-vanillajs JavaScript
Are we missing an SDK for your language?
Let us know by contacting and we will cook one right up.