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March 30, 2023
1 min read
Pruebe la Extracción de Datos aquí
  1. SDKs: Obtenga Código

Realice una prueba del API de OCR de Veryfi cargando cualquier Recibo, Factura, PO u otro tipo de documento. Puede cargar un documento girado de forma incorrecta o escrito a mano, Veryfi se encarga del resto.

SDKs: Obtenga Código


veryfi-csharp C#

This is the official C# client library for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API. || read:

veryfi-dart Dart

Dart module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API

veryfi-docs HTML

All documentation related to Veryfi API

veryfi-go Go

Go module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API.

veryfi-java Java

Java module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API.

veryfi-kotlin Kotlin

Kotlin Library for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API

Mobile SDKs

veryfi-android Kotlin

Android kotlin module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API

veryfi-lens-bank-statements-android-demo Kotlin

Example about how to user Veryfi Lens for Bank Statements

veryfi-lens-bank-statements-ios-demo Swift

Example about how to use Veryfi Lens

veryfi-lens-barcodes-android-demo Kotlin

Example about how to user Veryfi Lens for Barcodes

veryfi-lens-barcodes-ios-demo Swift

Example about how to user Veryfi Lens for Barcodes

veryfi-lens-business-cards-android-demo Kotlin

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-business-cards-ios-demo Swift

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-checks-android-demo Kotlin

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-checks-ios-demo Swift

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-cordova-demo Vue

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-credit-cards-android-demo Kotlin

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-credit-cards-ios-demo Swift

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-flutter-demo Dart

Example Demo App about how to use our Flutter wrapper

veryfi-lens-headless-credit-cards-android-demo Kotlin

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-headless-credit-cards-ios-demo Swift

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-headless-receipts-android-demo Kotlin

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-headless-receipts-ios-demo Swift

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-ionic-capacitor-demo TypeScript

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-long-receipts-android-demo Kotlin

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-long-receipts-ios-demo Swift

Example codes about how to use Veryfi Lens SDKs

veryfi-lens-net-demo C#

Veryfi Lens Demo for .NET

veryfi-lens-ocr-android-demo Kotlin

Veryfi Lens OCR to read codes, numbers and short text


Are we missing an SDK for your language?
Let us know by contacting and we will cook one right up.