Google Drive

March 28, 2023
2 mins read

Want a 2nd backup option for Veryfi? One where your collected financial documents can be automatically dropped into your Google Drive folder. Sounds interesting?

About Google Drive – file storage and synchronization service

Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service provided by Google which enables user cloud storage, file sharing and collaborative editing. “Google Drive is the home of Google Docs, an office suite of productivity applications, that offer collaborative editing on documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, forms, and more.”. It is also a place where you can upload any file (like images) and access it anywhere using any device like mobile or your computer. More here: Google Drive Home and wiki.

Step by Step integration

Pre-Req: You need to be a signed up member of Veryfi and have a Google Drive account. Signing up is free and takes under 30 seconds to complete.

1. Inside Veryfi app, navigate to “More > Connected Apps”.

2. From the list, press “Google Drive” to begin the integration process.

3. Select the type of sync method you want Veryfi to use. You can either sync all existing receipts in the Veryfi cloud to your Google Drive folder or sync just the new receipts.

Bonus: Veryfi intelligence service will drop a monthly round up report free of charge into your Google Drive every month. This way you don’t have to do the monthly report yourself. We do it for your automatically.

4. Use your Google Drive account login to connect Google Drive to your Veryfi app. If you do not have a Google Drive account you can get one from here for free. Once connected follow through all the Google Drive screens until you reach a done screen.

5. Once you press done, you will be taken back to the list of Connected Apps. Now the Google Drive cell has a tick next to it (as pictured left) to indicate a successful connection to Google Drive.

To disconnect from Google Drive simply tap the Google Drive cell again. You will be prompted if you really want to disconnect.

What to expect once connected to Google Drive

Based on the sync settings you selected above, you will start seeing your receipts and their meta data appear inside Google Drive. Just as pictured below. Below is a screenshot of what you should expect to see inside your Google Drive folder. If you do not see this or see something else, please contact us. We respond pretty fast and will get you back on the rails.