Real Estate

Veryfi document processing improves real estate transaction efficiency by ensuring fast, accurate data extraction from contracts, leases, and all necessary financial documents.

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Real Estate

Veryfi streamlines every real estate workflow.

Property Data & Listings

Mortgage & Loan Processing

Client Onboarding & KYC


Due Diligence & Inspections

Title & Deed Insurance

Escrow & Closing

Market Reporting

Property Ownership Management

Process your docs in less time than it takes to read this.

See for yourself.

Extract data with accuracy

Be able to:

  • Accelerate Time To Market

    Accelerate Time To Market

    Veryfi saves months to years of in-house development effort, and guarantees results.

  • Grow Faster

    Grow Faster

    Grow revenue by improving customer satisfaction and user adoption rates.

  • Delight Sellers & Buyers

    Delight Sellers & Buyers

    Add innovative time-saving features that eliminate manual data entry for both contractors and clients.

  • Ensure Privacy at Every Step

    Ensure Privacy at Every Step

    Veryfi is HIPAA-compliant and SOC2 Type2 certified, helping you ensure data privacy and regulatory compliance across all medical records.

Processing Real Estate Documents

Embed with Veryfi Lens Document Capture & ∀Docs Data Extraction LLMs to precisely extract documents by line-item, project code, invoice details, paystubs, and more.

Discover More
from veryfi import Client
my_client = Client (). config_receipt ( "api-key" )
receipt_doc = my_client. doc_from_path ( "/path/to/receipt.jpg" )
parsed_receipt = receipt_doc. parse ( "receipt" )
$ node server.js && veryfi listen
> Ready! Waiting for requests…
2022-09-04 13:54:57 [ 200 ] receipt_data.created
2022-09-04 13:54:57 [ 200 ] charge.succeeded
2022-09-04 13:54:57 [ 200 ] receipt_data.succeeded


  • Pre-Trained AI

    Veryfi is pre-trained on hundreds of millions of documents for Day 1 Accuracy™, without human intervention.

  • Automatic Data Enrichment

    Veryfi automatically provides: vendor enrichment, business ID lookup, document categorization, line item expansion & categorization, and due date calculation.

  • Line Item Details

    Accurately extract line item details from documents submitted by your users.

  • Standardized APIs

    Veryfi RESTful APIs return formatted JSON with consistent labels for extracted data.

  • Enterprise-Grade Security
    Veryfi is SOC 2 Type 2 certified and 100% automated, ensuring that user-provided data stays in your control.
  • Mobile Capture Framework
    Add Veryfi Lens to your mobile app and delight your users with innovative camera features that far surpass the native capabilities of any smartphone.

Veryfi handles the paperwork, so real estate agents can focus on human interactions.

Veryfi streamlines document processing at every stage of real estate transactions, both residential and commercial, by automating data extraction from critical documents. In the initial phases of a transaction, it handles property listings, client onboarding, and Know Your Customer (KYC) forms, verifying identities and financial credentials through automated extraction from IDs, proof of income, and credit reports. As buyers or tenants move forward, Veryfi processes loan applications, mortgage documents, and income verification forms by quickly extracting key financial details like tax returns, bank statements, and credit scores. This helps lenders and agents efficiently vet potential buyers or tenants without the risk of human error. With Veryfi handling the paperwork, real estate agents can focus on building relationships and delivering personalized experiences, while ensuring every document is processed accurately and efficiently.

During due diligence and closing, Veryfi manages contracts, purchase agreements, lease documents, title deeds, and compliance forms. It extracts and organizes information from inspection reports, title searches, and property disclosures, ensuring nothing is missed during the review process. By automating data extraction from complex, multi-page closing documents and escrow paperwork, Veryfi speeds up the entire transaction, reducing delays and ensuring accuracy. Additionally, it helps with post-transaction workflows such as rent management and property maintenance by processing lease renewals, rental agreements, and maintenance requests. With automated document handling at each step, Veryfi improves the efficiency, accuracy, and overall experience of real estate transactions.