Sensory Lifestyle mother now has more time with family

March 28, 2023
2 mins read
Sensory Lifestyle mother now has more time with family

    Time is money. I have two beautiful children who I would much rather spend time with than doing bookkeeping.

    Urszula S – Founder, Occupational Therapist
    Sensory Lifestyle

    Sensory Lifestyle is the brainchild of Urszula S, a Pediatric Occupational Therapist based in Silicon Valley. Sensory activities are important in childhood development because they stimulate kids’ senses and help them understand scientific processes as they play, explore, and learn. Urszula has been educating parents and children on the benefits of sensory play for 16 years.

    Urszula runs Sensory Lifestyle by herself, which means she has to juggle a lot of business objectives at once. Like most budding entrepreneurs, she couldn’t find enough hours in the day. This created a level of anxiety that could’ve had dire consequences for her company. Better expense tracking would open up more time for clients. As Urszula says, you need to spend money to make money — but not too much, and you should always know where that money is going.

    Sensory Lifestyle

    Expensify, Receipt-Bank, HubDoc, and Concur all came with unnecessary baggage. These services come with hidden fees and high costs for document storage, which is something Urszula’s lean operation needed to avoid. And Google Sheets was just too labor intensive for her needs.

    I didn’t want to be limited by stuff like document storage because, let’s face it, storage is cheap today and paying through the roof is counter productive.

    Urszula S – Founder, Occupational Therapist
    Sensory Lifestyle working with children

    Through word of mouth, Urszula landed on Veryfi. She quickly knew she didn’t need to look further for a solution.

    I wanted one product to take care of all my needs versus paying for multiple products with different user experiences and different integrations. This way I can trust the single provider, and if I need help I know where to go.

    Urszula S – Founder, Occupational Therapist

    After a quick enrollment and a brief conversation with Veryfi’s support team, Urszula was up and running.

    So far Veryfi is meeting her needs and helping Sensory Lifestyle thrive. Urszula says the Mileage Tracker is particularly useful as she travels constantly for client visits. “I love how its 99% automatic!” she says. “All I have to do it periodically classify each drive.”

    Veryfi’s easy-to-use, accurate receipt capture also gives Urszula peace of mind. She no longer has to keep boxes full of receipts for tax time. She’s also finding deductions more easily and thus saving money.

    So what is Urszula doing with this new-found freedom from expense management?

    I can do more business and less bookkeeping. Time is money. I have two beautiful children who I would much rather spend time with than manually doing bookkeeping.

    Urszula S – Founder, Occupational Therapist

    Learn more about Sensory Lifestyle.